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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All references (in text and in the bibliography) are given in Latin script.

Author Guidelines

The journal Noema publishes original, previously unpublished papers in the social sciences and humanities or related fields (interdisciplinary papers).

Each paper is subject to a review process. Peer-reviewed articles are accepted for publication based on at least two positive reviews. The review procedure is carried out according to the principle of "double blind" review, ie. the identity of the author is unknown to the reviewer, and the identity of the reviewer is unknown to the author. Also, the identity of the reviewer remains unknown to the public.

Reviewed papers are classified into the following categories:

The original scientific article is in principle organized according to the IMRAD scheme for experimental research or in a descriptive way for descriptive scientific fields, in which the text is published for the first time about the results of own research achieved by applying scientific methods, which are textually described.

A review scientific article is a review of the latest work on a particular subject area in order to summarize, analyze, evaluate or synthesize already published information, and bring new syntheses that also necessarily include the results of the author's own research.

Preliminary announcement is a paper, but of a smaller scope or preliminary character, in which some elements of IMRAD can be omitted, and it is a summary of the results of the completed original research work or an emerging article (Working Paper).

Review is a discussion on a certain scientific topic, based exclusively on scientific argumentation, in which the author proves the correctness of a certain criterion of his opinion, ie confirms or refutes the findings of other authors.


In addition to categorized papers, the journal also publishes uncategorized papers, ie reviews of relevant scientific works in the field covered by the journal published in the country and abroad in the previous two years, short literary articles, polemics, translations, interviews, reports and others types of submissions as needed.


Manuscript lenght

Original scientific paper: up to 32 text cards *
Preliminary announcement: up to 16 text cards
Review paper: up to 32 text cards
Review: from 8 to 16 text cards
Report: 2 to 4 text cards
Other: as needed

* Text card = 1800 characters (including spaces and footnotes)

Manuscript equipment

Each paper must contain the following elements:

Name and surname of the author
Name of the author's home institution
Author's e-mail address
Full title (and subtitle) of the article
Abstract of the article in the official languages ​​in RS and BiH (from 100 to 250 words) and in English (summary in English can be given in the form of a summary whose volume should not exceed 500 words)
Keywords (up to 10)
List of references (list of used literature)

Papers are written in Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.

The abstract is placed after the title, and before the text of the paper. An abstract in another language is placed after the bibliography.


All papers published in the journal, when citing sources, should follow the APA citation style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition). More detailed information is available at:

Footnotes in the paper are used for additional explanations, references, etc., and not for citing sources.

APA CITATION STYLE (7th edition)

References to sources and literature are given in parentheses within the text.

The last name (s) of the author, the year of publication and the page number in the year of publication are given in brackets (if it is not a direct citation, the page number is optional).

All references are written in Latin script, regardless of the alphabet in which the work from which the citation is made is written.

(Ransier, 2013, p. 25)

(Horkheimer and Adorno, 1989, pp. 44-45)

When citing works with 3 or more authors, only the first author is listed, followed by "et al.", except in cases where there may be confusion (the same first author in several different works):

(Rokai et al., 2002)
(Rogers et al., 2009)


A list of references is given at the end of the paper, in Latin script and in alphabetical order, regardless of the language and script in which the works were published.

Citing unpublished and archival material

The APA style does not explicitly prescribe how unpublished and archival material is listed, but it is possible to cite in the required format based on general style guidelines.

  • Title and information about the document itself, including the author, page, section and date where possible or necessary (if the document does not have a title it is necessary to title it somehow)
  • A collection or group of records of which the document is a part
  • A subcollection, series or subseries of which the document is a part (where possible)
  • The box, folder or number under which the document is kept (where possible)
  • Repository / Archive and the location of the original
  • Additional explanations in square brackets

Document from the archive

Author if known. (datum). Document title. Kraljevska banska uprava Vrbaske banovine, kutija V, fascikla 47, signatura 21892/36. Arhiv Republike Srpske Banja Luka.


Sullivan, Harold. (28 mart, 1940). Letter from Harold Sullivan to Dorothy Day. Dorothy Day-Catholic Worker Collection, Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Serija W-4, kutija 2. Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.

Interviews and oral testimonies

Interviews and oral testimonies are cited stating the names of the persons interviewed as the author and citing the person who conducted the interview in the description.

Werth, J. (1996). The church and the Russian-Germans in the Siberian homeland today: A personal interview with His Excellency, the Most Rev. Joseph Werth, Bishop of Siberia. [Intervju Erica J. Schmaltza sa Josephom Werthom]. Germans from Russia Heritage Collection. Call number BX4705.W4634 A5 1996. North Dakota State University Libraries. Fargo, N.D.

If the author is unknown, start the citation with the title of the document.

Johnny can read – Better than ever. (1958). [Isječak iz nepoznatih novina]. Photographic, Sound, Film, and Biographical Records. serija 10, dokument 01165. Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.

In the text, state the first few words from the title of the document:

(„Johnny can read“, 1958)


Dizdar, S. (04.09.1944). Učešće livanjskih Muslimana u narodno-oslobodilačakoj borbi. Glas, 20, str. 2.

Unarchived documents

If a document or material is not part of the archive collection, it is necessary to state where the original document is located (original document in the possession of the author, in the possession of person A ...)


One author

Ransijer, Ž. (2017). Mržnja prema demokratiji. Loznica: Karpos.

Two authors:

Dragić, Ž. i Jorgić, D. (2019). Brzo čitanje i školski uspjeh učenika. Banja Luka: Filozofski fakultet i ART SCENA d.o.o.

Three to 20 authors:

All authors are listed, up to 20..

21 or more authors:

After the twentieth author, an ellipsis is placed (...) and after it, the name of the last author is entered.


Ruz, M. (2018). Ozbiljno shvatanje Darvina: Naturalistički pristup filozofiji. (M. Galić, prev.). Banja Luka: Filozofski fakultet.

Edited book/Proceedings

Đurković, M. (ur.). (2007). Srbija 2000-2006: država, društvo, privreda. Beograd: Institut za evropske studije.

Article from edited book:

Radović, Z. (2007). Donošenje ustava. U Đurković, M. (ur.). Srbija 2000-2006: država, društvo, privreda (pp. 27-38). Beograd: Institut za evropske studije.

Article from scientific journal:

Vučković, A. (2010). Konstitutivni koncept pravde i problem stabilnosti pravednog poretka u Solonovom političkom zakonodavstvu. Noema, 7, 9-25. 10 .7251/NOE1907009

Include DOI where possible.

Magazine article:

Bubnjević, S. (2009, decembar). Skriveni keltski tragovi. National Geographic Srbija, 38, 110-117.



Articles are received round the year and submitted as a word document to the e-mail of the journal:

Attached documents should be titled with the name and surname of the author and the title of the article, and the title of the e-mail with the name and surname of the author and the text "submission for publication in the journal Noema".

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.